Paul Motisi is a visual artist and graphic designer.
MOTISICO serves as an aggregate of @paulmotisi's different projects and ventures.
Figure 1.1: Visual representation of MOTISICO mergers and acquisitions.
Solo Ventures
Death Before Desk Job
@deathbeforedeskjob is a podcast hosted by Paul Motisi that gets into the motivations and processes of creative people.
Motisi Stencil Art
Paul launched his Etsy shop in 2019. Since then, he's had over 100 sales and only 5-star ratings. Now you can buy his pieces here at MOTISICO.
Joint Ventures
Daayani Yoga
Paul Motisi has been working with @daayaniyoga since their inception as a brand. In addition to designing most of their merchandise, he also helps with the production and maintenance of their shop and Virtual Studio, where you can take virtual yoga classes online. By supporting Daayani Yoga, you also support MOTISICO.
Strangecat Studios
@strangecatstudios is the collective work of Paul Motisi and Michael La Gattuta, which includes the design and creation of album art, music videos, and merchandise for bands and musical artists. If you are in need of anything to visually support your music, you can check out our work and contact us below.
Sugarskull Piledriver?!
Paul plays bass in Sugarskull Piledriver?!/Choosy Moms. No, that's not a typo. Yes, that's the full name. No, I'm not explaining it. Go bother @sugarskullpiledriver with that.